Exploring new areas of BLM and BMA for wild game birds in Montana with our new Setter puppies, brings a smile to my face and brightness to the future of Long Hollow Bird Dogs. Deuce, Sunny and Lottie all posses the breed qualities that we look for in American Field English Setters. Rangy, Athletic, High Tailed, Intelligent, Retrieving, Birdy, Bold, Good Noses, Good Temperament, Social, Good Stamina, Stylish, Good Looking, Trainable, Natural Pointers and Backers and Tough Wild Bird Dogs. They will be the foundation of our first two litters as we begin again to develop a program that helps produce some of the best field bred American Setters in the country. These 3 dogs come from 3 already successful breeding programs in Tekoa Mountain Setters, Circle B Setters as well as Talmage Smedley's program. We will raise these litters and select a handful of future field trial prospects and bird dogs with plans for a long term interactive breeding program in mind. This is Long Hollow Setter's 2nd chance...
Bird Dogs, for Bird Hunters, by Bird Hunters!
Ryan Fortier
